
Hunting and Collecting is a Select Store for contemporary fashion and culture. The store concept is a medium of expression on its own. The experimental space is a work in progress and is considered a canvas for ideas in interiors, atmosphere and retail experience.


The Atlantis has disappeared and the memories of the sunken city are suspended in time. The relics are inextricably linked together, the eagle is at one with a shoal of dolphins, the Madonna rocks a prancing horse. Melted in coral, when the meaning escapes us, the myth blooms. And what if the cataclysm was deliberate, a subterfuge to hide and exalt its History, and what if its echo was still standing up, beyond the windows from which escapes the glow of a supernatural sunset. It’s through this labyrinth of visions that we find our way back following Ariadne's thread and are led to our memory of this great island.

L'Atlantide s’est vaporisée et les souvenirs de la cité engloutie demeurent suspendus dans le temps. Les reliques se sont entremêlées, l'aigle ne fait qu’un avec un banc de dauphins, la madone berce dans ses bras un cheval cabré. Fondu dans le corail c’est quand le sens nous échappe que le mythe éclôt. Et si le cataclysme avait été volontaire, un subterfuge pour dissimuler et mieux sublimer son histoire, et si son écho était toujours debout, par delà les fenêtres desquelles s’échappent la lueur d’un coucher de soleil surnaturel. C'est à travers ce labyrinthe de visions que nous remontons le fil d’Ariane qui nous emmène vers notre mémoire de la grande île. 

Text and Artwork by Mathias Vouters

Pictures by Merel Hart


Pushing this year's theme 'Where No Store Has gone Before' we played with the look and feel you find in films like Oblivion, Elysium, Gravity, 2001: A Space Odyssey... Not only because we like the great visuals, but because we like the way they bring us closer to the future.


Paradise is the freedom of making things happen your way. Paradise is the place where dreams actually come true. Paradise has the luxury of not taking itself so seriously in front of others. Paradise lies in the sweet-spot between the natural and the artificial. Paradise is the exact place where Hunting and Collecting is born 3 years ago, and this is the place where it still is ; a Paradise for you and a Paradise for us. We have been working hard for 3 years providing a dynamic area where creative endeavor finds it’s audience: the people who want to be involved by sharing ideas and by wearing products they believe in,in their own style and budget. Products that become better just because they are loved and wanted and which have an important function in people’s daily lives. Hunting and Collecting is a company – yes – but a company with a core business in setting free those products, in setting free those birds of Paradise. For you, for us, for as long as we can and as many as we can.



The Hunting and Collecting theme 'Mystic' plays with crystals, purple gradients, silver reflections, wolves, diamonds and an enlightened elevated spirit.
The make over has been produced in collaboration with Belgo-Swiss artist DAVID DE TSCHARNER and CONFETTISYSTEM from New York.
We wanted to return to the radically minimal approach from the first days of Hunting and Collecting: leaving (wasting) as much space as possible for the product to shine and for the customer to breathe. We used only a couple of strong visual elements to reflect the seasonal theme: Mystic



In combat one has to be flexible, improvise, do what others don't do. It is that time of the year where we change the complete interior look of the store and the graphic design. The new Fall Winter Interior at Hunting and Collecting is inspired on the 'Jardin d'Hiver - Wintergarden' - no snowman, no mountains, no skiing, but a colonial feel of exotic plants inside a warm winter garden - minimal as usual. We hope you like it.


The Spring Summer theme at Hunting and Collecting is inspired by the African Wax Print Fabric: The colorful mixture of geometric shapes and the crazy ways of layering these fabrics. Traditional - because they've been sold in African markets since the industrial revolution and many of the original designs are still popular today. Contemporary - because today's designers are creating new patterns to reflect modern tastes, as well as putting a contemporary spin on traditional designs.